Renee Parks Fitness

I inspire women to find love for themselves again through faith, fitness, wellness + encouragement!

Hi! I’m Renee

Hi and Welcome! I started my health and fitness journey 5 years ago. I decided I had NOTHING to lose and everything to gain if this total solution really worked! I was fighting chronic fatigue from endometriosis, premenopause, vitamin D deficiency, inflammation and overall unhealthy partly because of my food choices. I was feeding myself and my family pizza (MY FAV!) 4 days a week...I'm not kidding!

I decided I would commit to 22 Minute Hard Corps as my first program and focus on my nutrition with the container system, Ultimate Portion Fix. I wanted to give 100% and if it didn't work, I would just go back to my normal junk food junkie lifestyle and say I tried!

Crazy enough, after 30 days of going all in, I had not only transformed on the outside but had a new energy I had not known before. I no longer needed that daily nap after work, before I cooked dinner for the family! My night sweats, inflammation and sugar cravings were slowly diminishing!

I was a believer after experiencing the success of the total solution so I decided to pay forward the knowledge I had learned and invited friends into the community of support that had been LIFE-CHANGING for me...and here I am today, even more of a believer as I have helped countless others take back their lives, their energy, their happiness and I would love to help YOU too!

My Story

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